Danna Khawam: Vol. 44 Editor-in-Chief

Danna Khawam is currently a Juris Doctor Candidate for May 2020 at Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law. As the Editor-in-Chief of Nova Law Review, Volume 44, her responsibilities are to manage the organization as a whole, including coordinating the 2019 Symposium, overseeing the publication of each issue, and directing the editorial staff. 

Her article, titled Is the End to the Opioid Epidemic Near? Florida and Other States Attempt to Address the Crisis by Passing New Limits on Opioid Prescriptions, was published in the 2018 Florida Book (Vol. 43, Issue 1) of the Nova Law Review. She is also a member of President’s 64, Moot Court Society, and the Honors Program. Danna worked as a Summer Associate at Nelson Mullins Broad and Cassel this past summer and is currently interning there during her final semester at law school. She has accepted an associate position with the firm to commence after taking the Florida Bar Examination.

Last summer, she interned at Environmental and Consumer Protection Division in Broward County, Florida. During her first year of law school, Danna won the Martin Luther King Writing Competition and was the runner-up in the 1L Feinrider Moot Court Competition. As a 2L, Danna competed in the Health Law Competition and ended as an octofinalist. She is currently preparing to compete in the ABA Moot Court Competition. 

Danna holds a degree in Political Science from Fordham University. At Fordham, Danna also minored in Psychology and Arabic. She was the Co-President of the Fordham Club. Danna interned at multiple law firms, including Callagy Law and Davidson & Grannum, while she was an undergraduate student.

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